Ways to cope with the stress of Retrenchment

Retrenchment is one of the most stressful experiences that anyone might face in their working life. People often blame themselves but it is vital to realise that things happen that are out of your control. You might not be able to control the event but you can control how you react and respond to the situation. Here are some helpful ways to help you deal with the stressful situation

 man sitting at desk

1. Keep your emotions in check

You need to give yourself time to realise what has happened. If the retrenchment was unexpected, you would be more upset, disappointed and shocked than if you knew it was coming.  If you need to express your feelings it is wise to do it with close friends, family or a therapist. It is not wise to express your disappointment in your workplace as you may want to keep in touch with colleagues or need a reference from your manager or supervisor. You should never burn bridges.

2. Get the correct information

Sometimes we tend to shut off because of the shock and we forget to get the correct information. If you feel you can’t handle hearing the information at the moment or feel overwhelmed, employers often provide all the information in a letter and HR personnel can answer any concerns you have over email or the phone.

3. Regroup and reframe

Here you need to reassess your career path and make sure that you are still happy and interested in what you are doing, this is called regrouping. After you have gone through the regrouping stage then you start to reframe. This is where you will take the bad situation in this case retrenchment and put a positive spin on it. It could provide you with the opportunity to do the thing you truly love.

4. Take stock of your finance and budget

Here you need to determine how realistic your finances look and how long it will last you. This is crucial and should be done within the first week if being retrenched.  Seeking advice from a Financial Advisor would be advisable.

5. Hit the classifieds

Here you need to start looking for a new job. Most of the jobs are posted online making it easier and faster to search for them. Don’t just apply for jobs in your profession, go look at your dream job and see how you can start getting there.

6. Don’t give up hope

You may be unemployed for a few months but that doesn’t mean you must give up hope. Try and have an optimistic attitude as opposed to a pessimistic attitude that can slowly lead to full-blown depression when you are looking for a job.

It is always good to remember that retrenchment is not a judgement about your abilities, experience or skills that you brought to the position. Always believe in yourself, because if you do don’t it will come across in your interviews.